
  1. GENERAL INFORMATION. In compliance with the provisions of Spanish Act 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), we wish to inform you about the ownership of this website. Owner: EUROPASTRY S.A. (hereinafter “EUROPASTRY” *) VAT No.: A-58695032 Registered address: Sant Cugat del Vallés, Pza. Xavier Cugat 2, Edificio C, Planta 4, Parc Sant Cugat Nord Telephone: (34) 900 118 888 Email: Registration data: Business Register of Barcelona, volume 24,789, Page B -76,007, entry 15. EUROPASTRY is the owner of this website and licensee of the DUNKIN DONUTS brand. Through this website we provide information about products marketed under the DUNKIN DONUTS brand.

  2. OBLIGATION TO MAKE PROPER USE OF THE WEBSITE AND ITS CONTENTS. The User agrees to make proper use of the Website and its contents. The User undertakes to only use the Website and all its contents for lawful and non-prohibited purposes that do not violate current legislation, harm the legitimate rights of EUROPASTRY and the “Group” companies or any third party, and/or have the potential to cause any damage or harm, whether directly or indirectly. To this end, the User will refrain from using any of the contents of the Website for any purposes or effects that are illegal, prohibited in this Legal Notice, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties or that, in any way, may damage, disable, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of the Website, computer equipment or documents, files and all types of content stored on any computer equipment (hacking) of the Group, other Users or any Internet user (hardware and software). In particular, for example but not limited to, the User undertakes not to transmit, disseminate or make available to third parties information, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software and, in general, any type of material that: in any way is contrary to, undermines or violates fundamental rights and public freedoms recognised in the constitution, international treaties and other legislation; induces, incites or promotes criminal, degrading, defamatory, slanderous or violent actions or, in general, any actions contrary to the law, morality and generally-accepted customs or public order; induces, incites or promotes discriminatory actions, attitudes or thoughts based on sex, race, religion, beliefs, age or condition; incorporates, makes available or allows access to products, elements, messages and/or services that are criminal, violent, offensive, harmful, degrading or, in general, contrary to the law, morality and generally-accepted customs or public order; is false, ambiguous, inaccurate, exaggerated or untimely, in such a way that it leads or may lead to an error about that subject or about the intentions or purposes of the communicator; is protected by any intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to third parties, without the User having previously obtained the necessary authorisation from its owners to carry out the use that they make or intend to make; violates the trade secrets of others; is contrary to the right to honour, personal and family privacy or the image of individuals; in any way impairs the standing of EUROPASTRY or third parties; violates the regulations on privacy of communication; constitutes, where appropriate, illegal, misleading or unfair advertising and, in general, unfair competition; incorporates viruses or other physical or electronic elements that may damage or prevent the normal functioning of the network, system or computer equipment (hardware and software) of EUROPASTRY or third parties or that may damage the electronic documents and files stored on such computer equipment; or causes difficulties in the normal functioning of the Service due to its characteristics (such as format, extension, etc.) In accordance with the provisions above, the User undertakes to use the content made available to Users on the Website, this being understood to include, but not be limited to, the texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or sound content, as well as its graphic design and source code (hereinafter, the “Contents”), in accordance with the law, this Legal Notice, other notices, regulations of use and instructions of which they are made aware, as well as with morality and generally- accepted customs and public order. In particular, they undertake to refrain from: reproducing, copying, distributing, making available or in any other way publicly communicating, transforming or modifying the Contents, unless they have express authorisation from the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted; deleting, manipulating or in any way altering the “copyright” and other identifying data of rights reserved by EUROPASTRY or Group companies or their owners, digital fingerprints or any other technical means established for their recognition. The User will refrain from obtaining or even attempting to obtain the Contents, using for that any means or procedures other than those that, as the case may be, have been made available for this purpose or have been indicated for this purpose on the Website where the Contents are located or, in general, those commonly used on the Internet for this purpose as long as they do not entail a risk of damage or disablement of the Website, the Services and/or the Contents. Specifically, the use of EUROPASTRY images, brands, photographic and audio/video files are subject to the following conditions: Their use for commercial purposes and/or subsequent distribution is prohibited. The images and audiovisual resources available here are for the exclusive use of the media and purely for information purposes, as long as their origin is cited. Their use to illustrate activities, products or events of other companies is, therefore, prohibited. The companies in the EUROPASTRY Group reserve the right to withdraw permission to use any of these images or audio/video files when they consider that they are being used for purposes that harm their interests in any way. The Users and, in general, those people who intend to establish a hyperlink between their website and the Website (hereinafter, the “Hyperlink”) must comply with the following conditions, in all cases obtaining prior authorisation: the Hyperlink will only allow access to the Website’s home page or to the specific point authorised by EUROPASTRY, but may not reproduce them in any way; it is prohibited to create a frame around the web pages of the Website; no false, inaccurate or incorrect statements or indications will be made about EUROPASTRY, its directors or employees, the pages of the website and the Products and/or Services. It will not be stated or implied that EUROPASTRY has authorised the Hyperlink or that it has supervised or assumed in any way the services offered or made available on the website on which the Hyperlink is established. With the exception of those signs that form part of the Hyperlink itself, the website on which the Hyperlink is established will not contain any trademark, trade name, establishment sign, name, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to EUROPASTRY; and the website on which the Hyperlink is established will not contain any information or content that is illegal, contrary to morality and generally-accepted customs and public order, nor will it contain content contrary to any third party rights. The establishment of the Hyperlink does not imply in any case the existence of a relationship between EUROPASTRY and the owner of the website on which it is established, nor the acceptance and approval by EUROPASTRY of its contents or services.

  3. INDUSTRIAL AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. The User undertakes to respect the industrial property rights of EUROPASTRY, the companies in its Group and any other third party that has authorised/licensed its use to EUROPASTRY. The use or granting of access to the Website does not imply the granting of any rights over the trademarks, trade names, content or any other distinctive sign used therein. The user may download the Website on their computer as long as it is for private use, without any commercial purpose, so they may not exploit, reproduce, distribute, modify, publicly communicate, assign, transform or use the content of the Website for public or commercial purposes. Likewise, the Contents are the intellectual property of EUROPASTRY, of the companies belonging to the Group or of third parties that have expressly authorised their use, without any of the rights of exploitation or any others that exist or may exist over such Contents, beyond what is strictly necessary for the correct use of the Website, being understood to have been transferred to the User, by virtue of the provisions of this Legal Notice.

  4. AVAILABILITY OF THE WEBSITE. EUROPASTRY does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the Website. When reasonably possible, EUROPASTRY will give prior warning of interruptions to the operation of the Website. EUROPASTRY does not guarantee the usefulness of the Website for carrying out any specific activity, nor its infallibility. Access to the EUROPASTRY website has an indefinite duration. However, EUROPASTRY reserves the right to suspend, without prior notice, access to Users who, in its opinion, fail to comply with the rules of use of its Website and to take the appropriate legal measures.

  5. LIABILITY WAIVER. EUROPASTRY makes every effort to avoid any errors in the contents of the Website. EUROPASTRY does not accept any liability for damages of any nature arising from: The interruption of the operation or the lack of availability of access to the Website. Privacy and security in the use of the Website by the User, and/or non-consensual access by unauthorised third parties.

  6. JURISDICTION. Spanish legislation and Spanish courts will apply. For the resolution of conflicts and/or disputes that are not assigned a specific forum, the parties will submit to the Courts of Barcelona. Updated April 2024.